Cannabis has been legal in California for a few years now, so it’s essential for companies making cannabis edibles to understand how food safety regulations apply to products meant for human consumption.

In this article from ImEPIK, we will discuss some things you need to know about California’s cannabis laws regarding market and food safety guidelines.

Recreational Cannabis Products Have Been Legal in California Since 2018

Medical cannabis products have been legal in California since 1996. California’s Proposition 64 made recreational cannabis legal in 2018 for adults who are 21 or older.

More People Than Ever are Picking Edibles as Their Medicine of Choice

Edibles are popular, especially in states like California, where they have been produced for decades in the medicinal market. California also has restrictions on where cannabis can be smoked, making edibles a great alternative to vaping or smoking marijuana.

For example, cannabis cannot be smoked in any area where tobacco is prohibited. It also cannot be consumed or possessed within 1,000 feet of a youth center, daycare, or school, where children are present.

For these reasons, along with the portability, convenience, and long-lasting effects of cannabis edibles, edible marijuana products are becoming more and more popular in California.

Edible Producers Need to Meet Food Safety Regulations During Production

California does not yet have specific food safety laws on the books about marijuana edibles. However, all labels used on these products must meet both FDA requirements and California labeling regulations to ensure users know the product’s THC content.

However, just because laws are not on the books about edible production in California does not mean that edible producers can be lax about food safety. For example, suppose an edible producer creates a cannabis brownie that, due to cross-contamination, is tainted with peanuts and is then consumed by an individual who is allergic to peanuts. In that case, the producer could be legally liable for damages and penalties.

Proper food handling and food safety protocols are essential for building consumer trust and preventing liability issues at your company. Furthermore, as time goes on and recreational marijuana use continues to grow in California, state laws are likely to be introduced that will require specific food safety plans and guidelines to be used during the production of edibles. So be prepared!

Need Food Safety Training in California? ImEPIK is Here to Help!

The best way to prepare yourself for the future of edible regulations in California is to work with ImEPIK for cannabis safety training.

Our Cannabis Edible Safety Course© will help you and your employees gain the knowledge and skills you need to maintain a safe production line, avoid product recalls, and create safe, effective cannabis edible products.

Chat with us online or call at (866) 318-9855 to start training with ImEPIK today.